The Golden State Warriors new owners are set to relieve Don Nelson of his coaching duties and pass the clipboard to assistant Keith Smart. Smart coached the Cavs for almost half of a season back in 2002-03. The good news is he won more games than the man he took over for. The bad news is that total was 9.
Contrast that resume with Nelson's, who's won more games than anyone in NBA history and been a head coach for over three decades.However, Nelson has zero championships to show for his efforts. In contrast, Phil Jackson has 237 less victories, but more rings than he has fingers). Nelson was so disinterested in D that I wouldn't be surprised if he told his players to call him "On."
However, Nelson's record won't stand for long if Pat Riley, the Gordon Gekko of the league*, seizes control of this Brotherhood of the Traveling Shorts^ Heat squad for a few seasons.
Nelson, in the final year of his contract, will receive his fully salary. So, just like another Nelson who's been around a long time, he'll have the last laugh.
*This is in no way a concealed advertisement for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, starring Shia LeBeouf. In theaters now. Rated PG-13.
Two points: 1. I'm sad that I spelled Shia's name correctly on the first try, but not as sad as I am that I took the time to check to see if I did. 2. "Money Never Sleeps" would've been a great slogan for the NBA.
^Don't even try to trademark this. It's my phrase.
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