Friday, January 6, 2012

Observe and Retort

The Charlotte Observer isn't very observant. In a roundup of NBA news, they noted that Knicks guard Baron Davis was out with an injury, but thanks to a typo, his "herniated disk" became a herniated, well, part of the male anatomy that it might sound the most painful to have herniated. They mistakenly made it sound as if Baron was bearing all. We almost had a hernia hysterically laughing at the error .

The newspaper quickly issued an apology for the accidental bit of vulgarity, hopefully quelling any groans about the groin. Since an editor failed to catch the flub, maybe the Observer should consider hiring a private(s) eye. Davis, took it in stride, tweeting that he's "still able to work out with it" (sensibly, no twitpic was attached). Kudos to him for not being a, shall we say, "disk" about it.

Still, it could have been worse. Imagine if the newspaper reported that Davis had a "bulging disk."

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