It what seemed like a microsecond, The Association on Friday approved former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's $2 billion-dollar bid to buy the L.A. Clippers - or double the sum Donald Sterling's attorney announced earlier that day he's suing the league for. A certain company's operating systems take more time to load than it took Shelly Sterling to unload the club ahead of a board of governors vote. The financial matter became one of grey matter, as Donald Sterling's estranged wife acquired the authority to auction off the franchise by becoming the sole trustee, after he was declared to be "mentally incompetent" by neurologists*, but maybe those doctors should assess Ballmer, since he's shelling out the second-most money for a pro team ever on the continent (a few Dodger dogs shy of the record) and almost quadruple the amount paid for the previous highest-selling NBA franchise. It became clear no other individual was going to (ahem) Surface ahead of today's deadline who would offer that much.
Donald Sterling's beliefs may be backward and biased^, but he never thought that Zune could overtake the iPod. For comparison, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen possesses NBA, NFL and MLS organizations for a total of $294 million, meaning he's a much Sounder(s) investor.
Still, we give Ballmer credit for seeing his Window(s) of opportunity and seizing it^. He practically jumped at the chance to own the Clippers - and practically jumping is a special skill of Ballmer's (buy high, jump low. Luckily, he can leave the leaping to Blake Griffin from now on.
*which all seems shadier than a park full of palm trees
^and if Sterling was hit hard by this, he still wasn't hit as hard as his former flame
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