After playing in two nationally televised games (with mixed results) and an array of articles about the once mysterious man, you may think you know who Jeremy Lin is. Well, think again. Then, think a third time and you'll be ready for our profile.
Favorite food: Linguine
Celebrity crush: Lindsay Lohan (in the '90s it was Lindy Crawford)
Favorite comic strip character: Linus from Charlie Brown
Favorite comic book character: The Lincredible Hulk
Favorite operating system: Linux*
Favorite video game console: Lintendo
Favorite video game character: Link from Zelda
Favorite TV game show: Whose Lin is it, Anyway?
Favorite current TV show: Diners, Drive-Lins and Dives
Favorite classic movie: Rear Lindow
Favorite contemporary movie: Lin Time
Favorite store: Linens 'n Things
Favorite U.S. city: Lincoln, Nebraska
Favorite Canadian city: Linnipeg, Manitoba
Favorite state (tie): North CaroLina and South CaroLina
Favorite foreign country: Lindonesia
Favorite place to visit in NYC: the Statue of Linberty
Favorite school subject: Linguistics
Favorite U.S. president: William McLinley^
Favorite quote: "Now is the Linter of our discontent." - Shakespeare
Favorite band: Linkin Park
Favorite book: The Linvisible Man
Favorite animal: the lynx because it's so linber#.
*Thought it would be Lindows 7, didn't you?
^Abraham Lincoln was too obvious for an man of his Lintellect, who has an appreciation for our overlooked 25th Commander-in-Chief.
#You wondered how we would fit in that final Lin pun. It felt forced, like Spike Lee wearing Lin's Harvard jersey.
If I wasn't tired of this before. I'm tired of it now. But good job?