Monday, September 12, 2011

Pretty McFly for a White Guy

Great Byron Scott! The future of footwear is finally here. The Nikes featured in the film Back to the Future Part II have been released - and four years early (you may recall the movie is set in the year 2015). However, the high tops come with copious caveats. For one, they are limited in number to 1,500 pairs. Secondly, they won't be available at the Twin Pines Mall or, for that matter, any other shopping center. Instead, they are being sold auction-style, through ebay, with proceeds going to Michael J. Fox's charity. Bidding began at 99 cents, but quickly escalated to the point where only NBA players could afford to purchase the product - and that might even be in doubt, since none of them are currently collecting a paycheck. Lastly and much to our dismay, while the sneakers do illuminate (for up to 3,000 hours), alas, the laces are not self-tying, as seen on the silver screen. The company hints that feature will be unveiled in 2015 (and they have, in fact, patented the design). Just do it already, Nike. Take Doc's advice, "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."

Christopher Lloyd, Kevin Durant and Bill Hader for some reason star (what, the guy who played Biff was too busy to portray the shoe salesman?) in this amusing promo video. We're not blaming you for the enduring lockout, Nike, but we are suggesting that an invention as incredible as power laces could've ended the power struggle. Still, we'll try to be MAGnanimous about it.

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